After 22 years, it's time for a new rig. Scott climbed the mast to attach the harness so the crane could lower it. Lots of things to disassemble and coordinate....
We have learned from friends that if we were to have a mast problem mid-ocean it sure helps to have proper plans and full measurements of all the holes and lines etc on the mast. We took the opportunity to do all that while our mast was safely on the ground.
The big catamaran arrived in the afternoon and everyone had lots of comfy seats to choose from for our sail around in search of more seals. Oh what a treat to have someone else serve drinks and meals and worry about the anchor all night:)
The elephant marks the glow worm cave. No visible worms in the day, but for fun mom gets everyone to crawl through the hole she went into last night when there was lots of glowing as well as creepy cave wetters and a penguin nest.