Hi. I'd like to order 1 horse, 2 snakes and a truck full of Cheerios. A red truck please. Yes, you can throw in some cheese. That would be great. Thanks.
I had lunch at Monique's house. She liked playing with me while I sat in her chair. Then we got so busy with the stairs, balloons and musical instruments that Mom forgot to take more pictures. I'll have to remind her next time.
Mom and Dad took me to a maple syrup festival. They had horses there! I got to ride in a wagon pulled by horses and I made horsey sounds the whole time.
This is me using sign language for "more". Great things happen when I do this. More cheerios, more singing, more driving, more cheese please! I can also sign hat, ball, light, sleep, eat and drink.
Ezri liked helping me open my presents. Then she showed me how to use the great puzzle she brought for me. She brought me a snake too! I can hiss like a snake. hssssssssssss
I got to visit Pen for a weekend. We went for walks in the snow, played on the big rocking chair and I even got to play with his big puzzle. Thanks Pen, Carrie and Craig!