Saturday, June 25, 2011

Fiji in Sight

We have been watching lights ashore for awhile, but with dawn the hills and the beautiful greenery begin to emerge.

Cory on Deck

No one spends much time on deck on passage. Cory is delight to be in protected waters to move around up front.


A rainbow greets us through Sommosomo Pass. We have time to look at it once past the narrow channel. Cory helps Steph check for coral heads and debris.

Mya on Deck

This is Mya's first time on deck "at sea". Cory happily took off his tether and showed Mya how use it to hook her herself onto the jacklines just like Mommy and Daddy.

Fiji Flag

Cory normally hoists the country and the quarantine flags on our way into a new place. Today, Mya has some new ideas on what to do with the Fiji flag.

Almost There

If we go around the corner at the ferry we'll be there! Time to talk to the marina.

Our New Backyard

Namaka Creek, Savusavu, Vanu Levu, Fiji!
We like it here already!
We've traveled 1760 NM in 15 days.
Time for dinner before a well-deserved FULL night of sleep!!

Waiting for Officials

We could almost call this "release the hounds" as Cory and Mya were very excited to run on deck after 2 weeks at sea. The marina was bringing the officials (health, customs and immigration) to see us so they got to use Dude as a slide.

Savusavu Town

The lion statues are right beside the town council office and the market. Cory and Mya were quite happy to run on land and climb the statues.

Coconut Scraping

There is a little restaurant at Waitui Marina. Mya stops to help make coconut milk for the Fijian buffet being held that night. She hasn't yet met the little girl who will ask for her everyday!

Namaka Creek

We are moored in Namaka Creek at Savusavu town. There are 3 marinas here and it is soooooo quiet we could hardly believe it the first night and morning. We usually see steam rising from the hot springs on shore.

Cooking Class

Indian cooking classes are offered across the street. Good deal. Steph cooks, family comes for dinner, cost the same as ordering off the menu. Mahesh and Sarita are very nice people. Leaves from the tree outside, bele, are used in the Fijian dishes. The spice cupboard is now restocked with fresh Fijian spices. Scott noticed that his beer was made only a week ago.


Cory isn't supposed to be in the water with his cast so we've opted for kayaking. He's still working on paddling so we've tied him to Casteele so he can't drift away!


So, this is what we look like to others passing by. You never know when someone else may be taking your photo!