Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Mya's Birthday Morning

We had to convince Cory NOT to wake Mya up. He wanted to give her the glittery octopus card he made right away. and balloons. and get her measured. 96 cm.


Mya is pretty excited about being 3. She got out her markers to write 3 three times.

Cake Bake

A Birthday Tradition

New Friend

Mya really wanted this picture. She was intrigued!


Look Up...Then Down

Some Kids Get Birthday Clowns...

...Mya gets fire dancers.

Fishing Dance

Hope Scott took some notes to learn this dance and bring us some fishing luck.

Safety Conscious

Why are they throwing knives?
The fire was better. Dad will need to practice up for Mom's birthday.

Birthday Nap

We wore her out!
She fell asleep, foot still tapping, woke briefly to clap then crashed. She slept straight through her birthday announcement and kisses and left mom on stage to watch the dance dedicated to Mya all alone.

Birthday Nap

Turtle Viewing

We had a walk to the windward side of the island where we were told the staff at this resort had found a turtle. The staff had buried it to hide it from the local fisherman. The shell had scars so they weren't sure if it was injured or laying eggs but thought that unburrying the head for a very quick photo would be ok. Yes, we thought this was an odd story too. The man who jumped out from under the shell gave gave everyone a good scare and laugh. but Mya wasn't too sure she liked the joke. Don't worry turtle lovers, anyone caught eating turtles here goes to jail.

Daddy's Girl

Party Games

Mya gets to be in the winner circles to receive her flowers and shell necklace. Crab #3 came in first?

Homeward Bound

Cake Time

"Is today my birthday? Do I get cake today?"=first words out of bed.
Do I get cake now=words spoken all day.
so yes, Mya it's time for cake and coconut ice cream.


The women at the market in Savusavu were so thrilled with Cory shopping for his little sister that they gave him a necklace to go with her bracelet. Those Fijian dolls weren't too popular though..."Where are the faces?????"

Cory Reads Card

Cory has been ever so helpful all day and now he reads Mya her cards.

Mya's Flower