Saturday, August 21, 2010


Mya Bikes!

Supplies Arrive

Scott Sweeps the Beach

Hair Wash in the Rain

"Mommy, can we have some shampoo please!"


Sunday Lunch with a few Potluck Items for Fun

Pig Roasts and Potlucks


The Niuas Group, Tonga

3 little volcanic islands make up this group.

the first picks show the markers used to enter the harbour. Pic taken from the dinghy later as we wanted to pay attention. Weren't sure all the markers were present after the tsunami last September.

Then comes Niuatoputapu.

Tahfina: no we did not climb 2000ft with children on our backs.

Then some of the damage from the tsunami

A Stop at the Giggling Whale

A fun pub with a great view. Run by Albertans who don't mind kids running around on the porch. This is in Neiafu, Vava'u, Tonga.