Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mail Day

Mes Pieds-by Cory


No small feat on a moving boat.

Watermaker Fixing

Always good to be moored by the water engineer and Spectra distributor while having watermaker issues. Thanks Tom:)

Ready to Run

Ready to go but what do I do with these lace things?

New Fish Market

High High Tide

This was reported as being the highest tide here in 19 years. We went for a look around. The boy with the pond behind him is sitting ON the breakwall.

First Egg

Thousands of Fish

Thousands of fish were not the least disturbed when Cory jumped in with them.

Swimming Home

Cory likes to get dragged behind the kayak before his swim home. Today Mya jumped off and swam too!


It's fun to borrow toys. Mya says chickens can paddle board too.

Oh Mya!

Mom and Kids on Deck


We joined the Lovesong kids for a trip to the weather station. Cory loved the readouts from the weather balloon. How fast? How high? How long? Where did it burst? How does it talk to you? How do you know what it says?

Mya Art

Spidermanning Again

and the neighbours thought this was just for the kids....

Mya's Turn

Since the day this game started, Mya has said she is ready to go. We told her to eat more so she'll fit in the harness. But then we found a way...

Winch Mya!

Our Helicopter Pilot

Mya is pointing to the helicopter on the fishing ship. For months she has been telling us she will be a helicopter pilot. Today she says she'll fly her and Duckie in the helicopter, then land on Casteele in time for dinner. Hmmm....was a bigger boat in the budget?

Stormy Day