Saturday, June 18, 2011

Beautiful Nights

Ready for Night Watch

Beautiful Days

Equator Crossing Party

The next morning it was time for the equator crossing party. The kids painted themselves like the ocean and sang to invite the Neptunes, god and goddess of the ocean. King Neptune came last time but it was Queen Neptune who arrived this time. She was not pleased that the Skipper had not paid his due respects on the last crossing and Scott had to work a little to please her. For everyone!! Then Mya thought it would be a good idea to paint Daddy and everyone got covered.

Equator Crossing

Cory was so excited that we woke him up for the equator crossing at 0045. He thought the occasion deserved cake but he did get a ittle tired during the wait.

More on Passage

What We Did on Passage

We had 15 days at sea to entertain ourselves. Lots of time for art, music, reading, games and being silly along with navigation and sailing.

What Mya Did for 2 Days

Yes, she was asleep even before leaving the atoll. Two days of lots of sleeping and she had her sea legs back.

Ready to go 2010

The mini crew has changed a little since we were ready to go from new Zealand to Tonga in 2010. This is them enroute too.

Ready to Go

After 5 1/2 months in the Marshall Islands it is now time to depart to Fiji!

Hey Lok, Clean Boat!