Saturday, April 30, 2011

Kuma School (Kuma, Butarirari, Kiribati November)

We were all invited to the school one morning. The kids sang some songs in English and Kiribati and we read some stories and answered questions. Then each child introduced himself and did her own dance. Dancing is definitely in the blood here. Those five year olds know how to move! We may have introduced some chaos with balloons afterwards. The teachers served us lunch and it was a great time to chat and learn about their community. These teachers cared enormously and have done an amazing job with very few resources. This was truly a wonderful visit in a wonderful village. We had some tired children of our own afterwards!

Liberation Day (Butaritari, Kiribati November)

We were in Butaritari for the Liberation Day festivities. This is the location where the Americans landed ending the Japanese occupation in WWII. The landing site was a few villages away so we were picked up by the local truck that seemed to be a bus service that day.

Manaeba Feast (Kiribati, Butaritari, November)

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After the celebration we were invited to the village manaeba for a feast. Seated in a place of honour we watched the dancing. The women and girls and sprinkled with powder and sprayed with perfume while they perform. All the village guests were invited to eat first and then more dancing!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Drive Around Tarawa (Kiribati in Novemeber)

We enjoyed leaving Betio town and touring about the rest of the island. It had a completely different feel. Although the local minivans used for buses were efficient, it was nice to explore all on our own.
The second photo is of the old "bridge". We were on the new bridge which doesn't have quite the same tidal and time constraints.

Aquaculture Farm (Tarawa, Kiribati from November)

Overfishing has been a problem in many atolls. How else do you feed the kids? This farm was set up by Taiwan to help raise milk fish to send out to the reefs. They also do work on training locals in taking care of and repopulating the reefs. They had a lot of fun, colourful fish to look at too!

Highest Point

Somehow we have timed our arrival with climate changes conferences in several countries. 3m is higher than many of the other places in this part of the world. Global warming is a big concern.

Sandwatch Program

Lots of little mangrove trees were planted to help build up the soil. different groups of people take care of different areas.